Wow... I'm so bad at blogging... Well, whatever. Anyway, I've got a friend, whom we shall call Zakuro for the time being, who is really good at writing short anime reveiws. I asked her if I could put them on my blog and she said fine. So, I shall now start my "Zakuro's Anime Short Shots!" posts. I don't know when I'll be posting them, so just keep an eye out. These first three are put together, because they're from an email she sent me,(I had asked her if she'd watched any good anime recently), so future ones might be different. So here is the first of "Zakuro's Anime Short Shots!"
"I actually just watched a new anime recently! Its called Soul Eater,(yeah i know it sounds bad but the reason its called that is because the main characters name is Soul Eater aka. Soul, so yes, they do eat souls, but the souls look little marshmallow puffballs. I seriously want a plushy!) Anyway,(now that I made it sound really bad), its super funny!!!
Also, another anime that is super funny is Sgt Frog, they're both SUPER HILARIOUS!!!! Both the dub and sub of Soul Eater are good, but I prefer the dub and, if you don't like pop culture references, then your going to want to watch the subbed version of Sgt. Frog. If you like random hilarity about steroids, Miley Cyrus and gundams, though, you're going to want to watch the dub.
Oh yeah, if you haven't seen Death Note then DON'T; its freakin' horrible!!! i mean it wouldn't be as bad if it was the side character that was an idiot,but no, the main character is a psychotic moron with a god complex."
And that ends our first episode of, "Zakuro's Anime Short Shots!" If you like it, drop a comment and, if you don't, you can still drop a comment! And with that, Sakura is out. Peace!